The game is a good fun game, but should be a lot more interesting. There are some really stupid challenges that are beyond totally unrealistic and reach into the field of negative (dangerous) training. Emergency descents are just totally wrong for example, in others as well the whole methodology of sound aviation must be thrown out the window to succeed. The crosswind technique required to make the game work is straight light aircraft, outright dangerous to use in anything bigger than a Cessna. I simply couldn’t believe you had to make it work in a ‘lightie’ manner. Ground handling is also totally crazy, the brakes don’t work near well enough and differential thrust is a no-no too. Also on short field takeoffs (or what passes for them) if you use brakes while you spool up the engines, you often cant release them and have to restart.
For all its many faults, it is quite entertaining - I find it annoying because it is good enough to at least have some similarities to the real thing, it just seems that whenever there is a possibility of a realistic challenge I find it usually bears no resemblance to even the thought processes that have to be used in airliners. That’s probably the worst complaint. All these types of things are ‘games’ but this one is close enough to be annoying because it fails in basic thought processes that are so important for safe flying.
Hopefully by Version 2.0 some of these basic flying issues will be ironed out! Talk to an Airline Pilot about realistic scenarios and how they SHOULD be set up…. And just by the way, after a long flight, you are too tired to be thinking of anything other than sleep. Hearty meals would almost certainly make you throw up!